Vinciguerria attenuata swim at mesopelagic on daytime and come to epipelagic on night time. They has many photophore on the ventral abdomen for
Counter-illumination. I am meeting that many times at Black water Dive
®. But, with respect to the Juvenile I can be counted on the fingers of one hand. I met that daytime at surface about 0.5m to recently and It's only 1m from the shore.
It seemed that little bit weakened.
That the sea temperature was 19 degrees.
Juvenile Vinciguerria attenuata(SL 18mm) |
Body is still semitransparent. Blackish chromatophore on forward gastric.
ORB is two pieces and doesn't have Suture-organ.
Original image size 5616x3743pix (Canon 5D Mark II)