This is official site of Black Water Dive® produced by photographer Ryo Minemizu. Black Water Dive® is a kind of night diving. We are setting up underwater lights of high-color rendering on the sea bottom of night that while considering tides, times, places. The creature which appears is mainly juveniles and larvae. All is fascinating, and it's not to be seen at daytime or regular night diving. It will be your first experience. This site will introduce the state of the event and the creatures seen and also future of BWD schedules. *"BWD"stands for Black Water Dive®.*Black Water Dive® is a registered trademark of Ryo Minemizu.
ラベル フタオサルパ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル フタオサルパ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Some jellies in early spring of Toyama bay.

In early spring of Toyama Bay, we were able to find  meny number of jellies. Among them, the comb jellyfish was seen many. Sea temperature is 10 or 11 degrees celsius.

This Cydippida sp. of size is about 20mm. it's had mature eggs.
Cydippida sp. 

This Hormiphora has a secondary tentacles of yellowish. Size is 45mm.
Hormiphora sp.

Aglantha digitale is one of Trachymedusae. In early summer from spring, It can see the coast of Hokkaido from Northeast and Hokuriku Japan. Umbrella of muscular glow to rainbow colors depending on the angle of light.
Aglantha digitale (Müller, 1776)

Beroe mitrata looks like Beroe forskalii. but, the pharynx of Beroe mitrata is characteristic by dyed red.
This individual is still young, size is only about 30mm.
Young of Beroe mitrata (Moser, 1908) 

Cyclosalpa bakeri habittat around from 45 degrees north latitude to near 40 degrees south latitude of East Atlantic, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.
Aggregate zooid of Cyclosalpa bakeri Ritter, 1905
Aggregate zooid of Cyclosalpa bakeri Ritter, 1905

Thetys vagina is biggest in solitary zooid of Salpida. This individual size is about 170mm.
Solitary zooid of Thetys vagina Tilesius, 1802

Ryo Minemizu et al ,2015 A Photographic Guide to the Jellyfishes of Japan. 360pp. Heibonsha, Tokyo Japan. (in Japanese)