This is official site of Black Water Dive® produced by photographer Ryo Minemizu. Black Water Dive® is a kind of night diving. We are setting up underwater lights of high-color rendering on the sea bottom of night that while considering tides, times, places. The creature which appears is mainly juveniles and larvae. All is fascinating, and it's not to be seen at daytime or regular night diving. It will be your first experience. This site will introduce the state of the event and the creatures seen and also future of BWD schedules. *"BWD"stands for Black Water Dive®.*Black Water Dive® is a registered trademark of Ryo Minemizu.
ラベル Lampridiformes の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル Lampridiformes の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Larval-fish of Spinyfin velifer-ヒメクサアジの稚魚

Larval-fish of Spinyfin velifer,ヒメクサアジの稚魚
Larval-fish of Spinyfin velifer
Spinyfin velifer is very rare fish. It inhabits continental slope and oceanic ridge at depths of 175 m to 220 m but little is known about detailed ecology. Although it is very rare, divers often find adult-fish in scuba diving. It is the larval-fish of that the Spinyfin velifer that I will introduce this time.

This larval-fish body length is SL11 mm. First six of the dorsal fin is stretched. The pectoral fins is large and long and dark pigment patches on at the tips of the pectoral fins.

I found it at day time drift dive. It was December 7, 2017. Location is Suruga Bay in Osezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. The water depth was 2 meters below the surface. The sea temperature was 18 ℃.

Larval-fish of Spinyfin velifer,ヒメクサアジの稚魚
Black pigment concentrates on the head
Scientific name: Metavelifer multiradiatus (Regan, 1907)

Distribution Map(

Nakabo, T. (ed.), 2013. Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, third edition. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, Pp, 2428. (3-Volume Set)  (in Japanese).

Okiyama M. (ed), 2014. An Atlas of Early Stage Fishes in Japan Second Edition Tokai University Press, Japan. :Pp,1912. (in Japanese).

<Japanese explanation>
ヒメクサアジ Metavelifer multiradiatus (アカマンボウ目 Lampridiformes,クサアジ科 Veliferidae) は世界でも非常にまれな魚です。 通常、175〜220mの深さで大陸斜面や海嶺に生息していますが、詳細な生態についてはほとんど知られていません。非常にまれではありますが、成魚はダイバーによってスキューバダイビングで見つかることがあります。今回紹介するのはそのヒメクサアジ の稚魚です。この稚魚の体長はSL11 mmです。 背鰭の最初の6つが伸びています。 胸鰭は大きくて長く、胸鰭の先端に濃い色の斑点があります。私は日中のドリフトダイビングでそれを見つけました。 2017年12月7日です。場所は静岡県大瀬崎,駿河湾,水深-2メートル, 海水温は18℃。