This is official site of Black Water Dive® produced by photographer Ryo Minemizu. Black Water Dive® is a kind of night diving. We are setting up underwater lights of high-color rendering on the sea bottom of night that while considering tides, times, places. The creature which appears is mainly juveniles and larvae. All is fascinating, and it's not to be seen at daytime or regular night diving. It will be your first experience. This site will introduce the state of the event and the creatures seen and also future of BWD schedules. *"BWD"stands for Black Water Dive®.*Black Water Dive® is a registered trademark of Ryo Minemizu.
ラベル ムチオゾウクラゲ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル ムチオゾウクラゲ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Record of Cardiapoda richardi from Kume Island

Cardiapoda known only two species from worldwide.
  • Cardiapoda richardi Vayssiere, 1903
  • Cardiapoda placenta  (Lesson, 1830)

Cardiapoda richardi

C. richardi is smaller species than C. placenta.; the tail is long like a filamentous; gill handle is shorter than C. placenta. ; gill number is eight; shell is not characterized at old literature but, actually they has a very thin shell. Retractable brown, membranous structure on the mid ventral surface of the tail. Lens of eye rests in a surrounded in a U-shaped retina. Japanese name is "Muchio-Zoukurage". "Muchio" mean tail shapes filamentous. "Zou" mean an elephant. "Kurage" mean a jellyfish.

About this individual

These pictures all took at Kume-Island Okinawa Japan. Size: about 35mm. This individual is female. Because egg strings is releasing from near the gill and Cardiapoda is known that fin sucker present only in males. Body is covered with many reddish pigment. There was a behavior to round the body. This is considered to be for defense. Brown membrane appeared only at that time. In normal posture the brown membrane is stored in the ventral surface of tail.

Cardiapoda richardi ムチオゾウクラゲ
Egg strings is releasing from near the gill

Cardiapoda richardi ムチオゾウクラゲ
Gill number is eight they has a very thin shell

Cardiapoda richardi ムチオゾウクラゲ
Lens of eye rests in a surrounded in a U-shaped retina.

Cardiapoda richardi ムチオゾウクラゲ
Retractable brown, membranous structure on the mid ventral surface of the tail.

Cardiapoda richardi ムチオゾウクラゲ
normal posture, brown membrane is stored in the ventral surface of tail.


Cardiapoda richardi - Tree of Life Web Project 

Chihara, M. & Murano, M. eds. ,1997 An Illustrated Guide to Marine Plankton in Japan.  Description: xxxvi, 1574pp, Tokai University Press, Tokyo Japan. (in Japanese)

Ryo Minemizu et al ,2015 A Photographic Guide to the Jellyfishes of Japan. 360pp. Heibonsha, Tokyo Japan. (in Japanese)